Bringing Your Shadow to Light 2024

A Series of 3 Shadow Work Classes

This series is designed to bring you face-to-face with three of your shadow selves, embracing these parts of you that haven't felt acceptable, and through this inner alchemy, bring wholeness and healing to some of the most persistent issues in your life.

We all have a shadow side. These are the parts of ourselves that we push away, reject, hide, and deny. Doing this, doesn't mean these abandoned parts of us simply go away. They live in our subconscious and grow stronger with every denial of self, as the divide between who we are and who we show to the world (and ourselves) expands.

This work is a big part of THE work so many of us are pulled to do in order to heal. However, doing this work alone can be a challenge. That's why it's great to have an experienced guide. I've been working with my own shadows for many years on my own, and loved seeing the breakthroughs and massive shifts my clients got when we did this work together.

Deep healing and personal growth often happens quickly through this process. I've seen changes in a single session like...

  • an innate sense of self-confidence where there was very little when we began
  • fear vanishing and the lightness of possibility taking it's place
  • self-directed anger dissolving and only compassion remaining
  • playfulness and curiosity taking the place of the weight of responsibility
  • creativity and excitement where there were once strict inner rules against such things
  • a clear, strong voice taking over the silence that was previously expected
  • masks being taken off to reveal a more joyful, jovial spirit

This is not small work... and, since you don't just have one shadow self, you will be meeting one every week for six weeks, allowing you to focus on one of your many aspects each session. I will be bringing you on a guided journey, offering space for integration, and ending with tapping, energy work, or both... depending on what's needed.

Since our work will be done during a time in our calendar year that seems to hold more mystery and wonder as the sunlight dims and the darkness encourages a shift to more inner focus and contemplation, it's a beautifully aligned time to step into shadow work.

This series is for you if you want to heal the hidden, neglected parts of yourself, fully know and embrace the truths of who you are, and bring wholeness to your entire being.

There are so may aspects of you just waiting to be seen.

What you can expect each week...

  • One-on-one attention in a small group setting.
  • Three guided meditations to connect you with a different shadow self.
  • Tapping/energy work to bring healing and self-acceptance.
  • A safe, supportive space to be all of who you are.

Your Shadow Holds Pure Magic.

Each week you will be led through guided journeys, tapping meditations, and/or energy work all in support of you seeking out and integrating the most rejected parts of yourself. Doing this work is a form of inner alchemy that results in an unearthing of the true self, the gold within, the authentic magic of who you really are.

Get ready to meet more of your true self.

Bringing Your Shadow to Light will be held each Wednesday on Zoom from 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m. CT, starting on October 30th.

Your Instructor

Angela Hed Vincent
Angela Hed Vincent

Angela Hed Vincent (she/her), owner of True You Tapping, is an EFT Master and Energy Medicine Practitioner for people at their emotional or spiritual breaking point.

She founded True You Tapping after successfully using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, aka. tapping) to release her severe burnout, depression, and compound trauma.

Now, Angela helps others who are feeling lost, alone, and hidden beneath their traumas, to dissolve blocks, collapse issues, and unearth their true potential. She helps her clients honor and release emotional pain they never thought possible, while using it as a catalyst for transformation and a pathway to their truest selves, even if they don't know the root cause of their issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
This Zoom-based course starts on October 30th, 2024 and ends on November 13th, 2024.
How often do we meet?
We will meet once a week for guided meditations and tapping.
What if I change my mind about this purchase?
If you change your mind about your purchase, contact me before the start of the course, and I will give you a full refund.

Get started now!